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Interview with Horse the Band – Podcast 35

Posted by rich on September 19, 2006

This week we keep it real with none other than HORSE the Band. This interview is so real, that we decided to do it in San Francisco’s tenderloin, as shit was being stolen! That’s right, in this interview you get not only a HORSE the Band interview PLUS tracks from their new EP Pizza BUT you get to hear us actually describe crimes in progress.

So hear as Nathan and Erik rip through questions with answers that will make your old, bigoted grandfather blush. But, rest assured it’s all in good fun. Also, we have not one but two…DOS copies of their new EP, Pizza, to give away. So be sure to listen to the last eight minutes to learn how to ENTER TO WIN!!!

As always you can reach us at, at MySpace or on our comments section. We’re always looking for new bands to interview so if you have any ideas please contact us so we know who to look at. Have a good week and be prepared be cause next week has a HUGE surprise.

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