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Archive for November, 2006

Interview with Leftöver Crack – Podcast 41

Posted by rich on November 14, 2006

So, how does one top an interview with Quebec’s hometown heroes of awesome? With an interview featuring New York’s favorite squatter punks. You know it has to be Leftöver Crack. More specifically Stza (Scott Sturgeon) and Ezra (Ezra Kire).

This is more than just an interview, this is a glance into one of the most misunderstood bands of all time. They’ve been banned from venues, shit talked on message boards and they claim Tim Armstrong (owner of Hellcat Records) hates Stza more than his ex-wife. This is right up there with Rush Limbaugh making fun of Michael J. Fox on the controversial factor.

Along with a great interview you can ENTER TO WIN a copy of Leftöver Crack’s latest full length Fuck World Trade. This album created controversy with everything from its title to the artwork, to the lyrical content. You already downloaded it anyhow, so get a legit copy. Just check out the last eight minutes to get the low down. As always tell how much you love or hate us at, on MySpace or on the comments section. Next week we plan to kick off big before we go on Turkey Day vacation, so check it out!!!

Interview with The Sainte Catherines – Podcast 40

Posted by rich on November 7, 2006

In a continuing effort to bring you music from people who are not our immediate friends or family, we recently spoke with on of Canada’s greatest six piece bands. Not only do these guys play killer punk rock with three guitars, not only do they speak no less than two languages, not only do they manage to tear through at least 5 vans and as many transmissions but they also have some sort of music award shaped like moose antlers. You better believe The Sainte Catherines have it all.

And you better believe we talk about it all in this interview. From hot tubs to Hugo signing some guy’s girlfriend’s breast we cover every topic you would want to know about (I think music is mentioned once or twice as well). Not to mention a special appearance but Santa Cruz security guard Mr. Willie Nelson Look-a-Like.

If that isn’t exciting enough we have a copy of The Sainte Catherines’ Fat Wreck Chords debut Dancing for Decadence AND a free t-shirt to give away. It’s like French Canadian Christmas without the limbo (trust me, it’s in Wikipedia). So listen to the last 8 minutes to learn how to ENTER TO WIN!!!! As always hit us up at, on MySpace or on the comments section. You’re feedback is the only thing that allows us to live (sort of like the blood of babies and the government).