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Interview with Girl Talk – Podcast 87

Posted by rich on November 4, 2008

Welcome to a historic episode of Sound Scene Revolution. An episode that not only demonstrates our commitment to bring you new content but an episode that occurs on a day that will live in American history forever. Today is a day where the world see’s the we can live up to our true potential. That we are as open minded as we say and that we choose based on qualifications and not superficial traits. Today, is the first time ever that Sound Scene Revolution has featured an electronic musician on their show. Take note.

Noted? Good. So today we post an interview we did with Gregg Gillis, AKA Girl Talk. Greg seems like a pretty normal dude, except he makes great “mash ups” and he happens to dance around half naked in front of hordes of fans. So if you like normal dudes who rule, you should dig Girl Talk.

Enjoy the show and hit us up at SoundSceneRevolution[at]gmail[dot]com, MySpace or here on the comments and remember, vote early and vote often. I’m voting three times today.