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Archive for the ‘New Wave’ Category

Interview with The Emotron – Podcast 105

Posted by rich on August 18, 2009

This week we have an awesome and insane show featuring Kyle Knight, A.K.A. The Emotron.  Knowing only of the Emotron and not Kyle I had no idea what to expect of this interview.  For those of you who don’t know, The Emotron is know for his antics including drinking Yoo-Hoo until he pukes, urinating on stage, and even lighting his genitals on fire.  With all that it may be hard to believe that Kyle is a normal guy, but after talking to him that’s exactly what I noticed.  Kyle is as friendly and plesent as The Emotron is shocking and disturbing.  And if that isn’t enough to make you listen, you also get to hear cuts off of The Emotron’s new album…And that shit is surprisingly good!

No new contests this week but we have something that’s like winning, more shows next week!  I know, we’re a pretty shitty Secret Santa, but take what you get.  With any luck we’ll have some steady shows for the next few weeks and some of them are going to be tight!  So drop us some lines at SoundSceneRevolution[at]gmail[dot]com, at Myspace or here in our comments section.  Kill Grandma!

Interview with Theo and the Skyscrapers – Podcast 27

Posted by rich on July 18, 2006

“Welcome to hell, bitch!” Martin Lawrence – Nothing to Lose

I doubt one quote has ever summed up my feelings about weather and politics so well. However, to help you cool out and relax in this time of unending heat and political turmoil we bring you one of the coolest bands around, Theo and the Skyscrapers.

For those who don’t know Theo and the Skyscrapers features both Theo (of the Lunnachicks) and Sean (of Toilet Boys). But don’t let the history fool you, this band is a brand new creation. Imagine those bands who say their influences range from Slayer to Blondie, now imagine if their music actually reflected that. Well, Theo and The Skyscrapers music does. It’s an eclectic mix of hard rock and new wave pop, and it rules.

This shit is so good that we are giving away two copies of their debut self titled CD/DVD. That’s TWO discs for the price of none, you can’t possibly beat that. So listen to the last 8 minutes or so to learn how to enter to win (I’ll give you a clue, it involves sending you information to As always, say hi at , our MySpace page or on the comments section.

I’m going to sit in a tub of ice.

Interview with The Phenomenauts – Podcast 24

Posted by rich on June 27, 2006

I’m in the middle of watching an Eddie Izzard special I got on Netflix so this will be quick. This week we have Oakland, CA locals The Phenomenauts. I call them locals in that they claim Oakland as their headquarters, however they are truly citizens of Earth and they support Earth. More so than being Earth supporters they play awesome rock music with just enough rockabilly to keep things changing up. In addition their tour bus kicks much ass.

Along with their music and interview we’re giving away two copies of their Springman Records debut Re-Entry. So be sure to listen to the end of the broadcast to learn how to WIN THE FREE MUSIC!!! You can enter by messaging us at, at MySpace, or on our comments section (if you’re brave). Enjoy and let us know if you enjoy it.