Archive for May, 2007
Posted by rich on
May 15, 2007
I want to first and foremost take a second to say we will be out of internet for a couple of weeks. We should be back late May or early June but for now Sound Guy Nariman and myself are going to take some time to drink fruity drinks and do manly stuff. Secondly, we’d like to thank all of the people who have taken time to write us, enter contests and just listen to the show. We love doing this dumb show and we love it even more that people listen and it absolutely blows our minds that people like it…I figure 90% of the interest is due to Chicken and Brendan Kelly but we appreciate the love.
We have a super great interview with Mike Hale (Gunmoll, In the Red and solo artist), with some information you totally don’t want to miss.
A new contest where you can win a CD-R (burned by Mike Hale himself) of Mike Hale’s unreleased solo work, to go along with the new CD you’ll get a 7″ of Mr. Chuck Ragan. What 7″? The limited release of two songs off his upcoming Side One Dummy (I think I say BYO in the show), that happens to be hand numbered 315 of 600 and signed by Mr. Ragan. So that’s a limited CD-R, unavailable to the public AND a limited edition, autographed 7″. Dude you have it so easy. So listen to the last 8 minutes and learn how to enter…DO IT!
We’ll see you kids in a couple of weeks. Enjoy the time off and take it as an opportunity to think about Sound Scene Revolution has enriched your lives in the last year and a half OR just promise to come back when we return.
Posted by rich on
May 8, 2007
Today we have a very special episode that features our very first phone interview with Mr. Chris McCaughan of The Lawrence Arms and (more importantly) Sundowner. Chris is as much an amazing sex symbol as he is a musician and if it weren’t for the fact that he was in Chicago and not face to face, I would have been drooling this entire interview. Luckily he was some thousands of miles away so we were able to discuss Sundowner, touring, Jenny Choi and the overwhelming Lawrence Arms breakup rumors.
Along with all that fun jibba jabba we have some music from Sundowner and some other odds and ends. Though we continue our two week draught with no give-a-ways (sorry Toby is moving and he’s a tool…seriously), but this interview should be able to stand alone for you cheap bastards. Enjoy, and always remember to hit us up at, on MySpace or on the comments section. Enjoy and remember it’s true, this man has no dick.
Posted by rich on
May 1, 2007
It’s been another week (give or take) so we decided to bring you more awesome shit. From who? From the Bobby and Whitney of the punk rock world, Against Me!! Listen as Tom Gabel gives us the exclusive on all that shit you really don’t care about but need to hear. It’s Fan-God Damn-Tastic!
Since Against Me! has become greedy hookers (who literally have a tour bus powered on the blood of babies) we don’t have any addition give-a-ways but we still have the Riverboat Gambler and Fake Problems contest. Check it out and let us know what you think at, our MySpace, our comments section or on the lovely new blog (it’s fucking dope!). We’ll see you guys next week and remember I am the ocean.