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Archive for March, 2008

Interview with Ruiner – Podcast 75

Posted by rich on March 25, 2008

We’re back! Sound the trumpets. Ring the gongs. Paint the fences. Whatever you do to celebrate do it, because this shit is off the hinges. We’re back after two months of bullshit so that we could bring you some totally fantastic interviews.
Leading off the charge are some hardcore kids who make up a band called Ruiner. These guys play a style of hardcore that, while not groundbreaking, is super intense and amazingly catchy. They may only have one full length under their belt (and it’s barely a full length) but they rock like veterans. So listen, enjoy and rock out like you’re in Nam.

We’re coking up some awesome contests with (hopefully), but in the meantime we don’t have anything on our own. Please feel free to shot us some e-mails at, our MySpace or on the comments section.

And remember, “I remember landing under sniper fire. There was supposed to be some kind of greeting ceremony at the airport but we just ran with our heads down to get into the vehicles to get to our base,”