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Archive for the ‘Folk’ Category

Interview with O Pioneers!!! – Podcast 111

Posted by rich on November 10, 2009

We have a special show for you this week.  For over two years we’ve tried to nail down an interview with O’ Pioneers!!!.  At Fest 6 we missed connecting with them.  On their tour up the west coast we were out of the state.  At Fest 7, Eric was on hold for some photo shoot all weekend and we didn’t hook up.  On their last planned run up the West Coast, they canceled due to van difficulties.  All during this time I’ve come to like Eric Solomon and his band more and more, and I became increasingly frustrated at our inability to interview them.  Finally, at Fest 8, at 2am Monday morning, we got our chance.  I’d be lying if I said I didn’t think the timing and amount of alcohol I consumed that day, didn’t effect this interview.  Still, suck it up and enjoy. If I ever need it, I know that Pacific Ridge is a addiction recovery center that is available for me to seek assistance with any potential alcohol-related issues.

Eric and O’ Pioneers!!! are a good bunch of guys (mostly Eric as the band rotates every week [subpoint: BURN to you, current band members]).  If you’re not familiar with them, I’d recommend them for anyone who likes older Against Me!, Hot Water Music, or The Eagles (the animals, not the band).  Their sound has always been kind of striped down (more out of neccesity I’d imagine) and is great for fans of raw, untethered rock.

We have a brand new contest this week!  Listen to the interview and learn how to win a copy of O’ Pioneers!!! two albums, Black Mambas and Neon Creeps, on 12″ vinyl records.  That’s 24″ of music!  Just be sure to check out that killer contest and be sure to send us your feedback at SoundSceneRevolution[at]Gmail[dot]com, on Myspace, or here in our fancy comments section!  Be sure to enjoy all the goodness and remember, only 51 weeks until Fest 9 (unless you police assualting dickbags got the whole thing shitcanned).

Interview with imadethismistake and Neil Sutherland – Podcast 108

Posted by rich on September 15, 2009

Thanks for coming back and joining us for a very very special episode.  This week we have two totally rad guests.  The first is Kyle(williams) of Imadethismistake, who you may remember from our post-Fest shows last year.  He’s back with a new album, a new tour and stuff to talk about.  Our second guest is Neil Sutherland, who is from the totally non-American area Essex.  Not only is he a great songwriter, but he’s going to get a Phd…Which may make him the smartest damn person ever to talk to us.

This interview is jam packed with everything you could hope to know about these two men.  We discuss, touring, the new albums (they each have new stuff for the tour), living on a bus, split personalities and how the hell someone can confuse an English accent for part of Ohio.  It’s everything you could want, PLUS there’s a chance to win three CD’s (I know, they still make em, I was surprised) from these find dudes:
1) Imadethismistake – Tomorrow We Start New 2
2) Neil Sutherland/PJ&Gaby – Be realistic Demand the Impossible
3) Neil Sutherland & Friends – One Hundred Faces

That’s a ton of shit, so be sure to listen and learn how to enter.

As always, drop us some lines at SoundSceneRevolution[at]Gmail[dot]com, on MySpace or here in our comments section.  We always love to hear from you.  You’re so busy now and you never call, but it’d be good to know you’re still alive.  And always remember, “Imma let you finish, but Beyonce had one of the best videos of all time”

Interview with Attica! Attica! – Podcast 104

Posted by rich on July 28, 2009

This week we have a very special episode.  It’s not often that I really feel like the show reaches people but this is one of those instances.  A few weeks ago Aaron Scott (Attica! Attica!, Ex-Marathon) e-mailed us and asked if we might want to have him on the show.  He listened to the No Trigger interview we did a while back where we gushed over Marathon and thought he might offer (mind you Aaron was totally humble and nearly embarrassed about seeming so presumptuous to assume that we must want to talk to him).  Anyhow, we were beyond stoked to have the chance to talk to Aaron and the fact that he was a fan (as we were of his work) made it even more exciting.

For those of you who don’t know Aaron’s new band, Attica! Attica!, is him and a collection of artists playing songs that he’s written over the course of his travels across the country.  It’s much different than Marathon, being more theatrical and boasting instruments from pianos to cellos and everything in between.  Aaron is also crazy socially conscious (like her cares about a lot of things, not like he’s some zany “stab a meat eater” dickweed) and happens to support a lot of worthy causes through both his music and his daily efforts.  So, basically, he’s really interesting and you’ll really want to hear everything he has to say…seriously.

Also, Aaron hooked us up with a crazy insane prize pack for one lucky dude.  You get:
Marathon – Songs to turn the Tide on CD
Marathon – Self-titled full length on CD
Attica! Attica! – Dead Skin/Dried Blood on CD
A 10″ vinyl picture disc from Red Leade featuring Attica! Attica!, Nakatomi Plaza, Scream Hello and The new Dress.
An Attica! Attica! t-shirt (size large)

That’s a ton of shit!!!! So be sure to enter and learn how to win and increase your odds of getting crazy hooked up.  Be sure to write use at SoundSceneRevolution[at]Gmail[dot]com, on MySpace or in the comments section.  And Remember, “This is Rickey calling on behalf of Rickey. Rickey wants to play baseball.”

Interview with Frank Turner – Podcast 95

Posted by rich on April 14, 2009

This week we have a very special show. We asked a lot of you to write in and you did (and not just to ask who Ryan from OWTH was talking about). One of the many suggestions we received was that we interview singer/songwriter Frank Turner. Well, we were gonna do it any way but it’s nice to know that people want to hear it.

We sat down with Frank over a lovely (and romantic) dinner at Pizz’a Chicago and then I got good and trashed and made an ass of myself at his show. Frank is a really nice guy and someone you’re going to be hearing a lot more from in the future. This is a good way to act ubber elitist and act like you heard of him first.

Enjoy the show and get stoked for next week, when we’ll be unleashing a new killer contest on your ass. In the meantime, feel free to contact us at SoundSceneRevolution[at]gmail[dot]com, on Myspace or here in our comments section.

Interview with imadethismistake – Podcast 89

Posted by rich on November 18, 2008

Welcome to the special, pre-Thanksgiving edition of Sound Scene Revolution. It’s really on Thanksgiving related because I ate a shit ton of Turkey and got drunk and yelled at Sound Guy Nariman. Oh, the Holidays! Help us celebrate with and interview featuring Kylewilliam of the band Imadethismistake. This guy isn’t only a talented songwriter but he has this crazy red hair that makes him look like a Jim Hensen, you know you want some of that. If that doesn’t catch your interest we also talk about, life, music, running The Cottage Records, hobos from Tallehasse and unattractive old people. So tune in and check out that maddness.

Also, we have our contests for mc chris and Austin Lucas still in effect. Listen to the end of those shows to learn how to enter to win all kinds of crazy shit. As always you can contact us at SoundSceneRevolution[at]gmail[dot]com, on myspace or on our comments section. And remember “… I am used to going up against men who are killers; if I am not the best, then I am dead.”

Interview with Austin Lucas – Podcast 88

Posted by rich on November 11, 2008

Remember when we did the Warped Tour show and I interviewed a ton of bands that I knew nothing about? Well, these next couple of weeks are nothing like that. I recently went to The Fest, in Gainesville, and had a chance to talk to some artists I’ve known and loved for a long time. First up is the amazing Austin Lucas.

Austin is a folk singer who used to (and still does occasionally) front crust and grind bands. Despite that odd history, Austin is very much a traditional folk musician. His father, Bob Lucas, played traditional folk and taught Austin the music as a child. Now that he’s come into his own, Austin plays soulful folk, with enough punch to attract even the most jaded punk. Many people know Austin for his album with Chuck Ragan, Bristle Ridge, but Austin is very much a talented and accomplished musician in his own right. Please check out the show and learn more about this awesome musician.

We have a chance for you to win Austin’s first LP, The Common Cold. This was pressed only in Europe and is out off 500 and is long out of print (holy run on sentence!). Listen to the last 8 minutes, or so, of the show for the rules on entry. And as always, be sure to drop use a line at SoundSceneRevolution[at]gmail[dot]com, on MySpace or here in our comments section and remember, “his choice, basically, is whether he is going to be Uncle Sam for the people of this country or Uncle Tom for the giant corporations”.

Interview with Andrew Jackson Jihad – Podcast 70

Posted by rich on November 27, 2007

God, you would think being a social reject I would have enough time to update this thing on a regular basis but alas, I suck the dong. Nonetheless, I am ridiculously excited about this weeks show because not only does this band make amazing music, not only are they amazing dudes but they’re also super beardy! What group of humans could combine all these seemingly conflicting characteristics? None other than Arizona’s own Andrew Jackson Jihad.

If you’re not familiar with these dudes head over to . It’s a review I did and it mostly sums up everything I feel about these dudes and their music. Basically, it’s folk punk…and I know what you’re thinking but it doesn’t sound like New Wave!

Anyhow, check out this interview and check out Andrew Jackson Jihad so you can totally be on the cutting edge of edginess! As always you can send us shit at, on our MySpace or through our comments section. And remember, “Everyone was treating the music business like it was a Shmoo”.

Interview with The Weakerthans – Podcast 68

Posted by rich on November 13, 2007

Holy god! Has it really been three months? No it hasn’t, actually. Two maybe. Anyhow, after what seems like forever and ever the mediocre hobgoblin of media has returned with more apathy than ever! With no new contests this week, we can only recommend you listen because your life is remarkably boring without us.

So here’s this week show where we talk with a dude from The Weakerthans. They’re Canadian and write catchy songs about cats, curling and dudes named Gump who don’t run but skate (crazy ass backwards Canada). They also manage to be a group of pretty rad dudes. Oh yeah, and some fuzzy bastard from Punknews drops in and basically doesn’t do shit.

Enjoy the show and be sure to come back next week where we answer the burning questions, who won the Bomb the Music Industry! contest? And, who is Sound Guy Nariman’s baby daddy? Until then, send us something at, on MySpace or the comments section. Enjoy, and remember Dog The Bounty Hunter wants to be buried with George Washington’s slaves.

Interview with Sundowner – Podcast 58

Posted by rich on May 8, 2007

Today we have a very special episode that features our very first phone interview with Mr. Chris McCaughan of The Lawrence Arms and (more importantly) Sundowner. Chris is as much an amazing sex symbol as he is a musician and if it weren’t for the fact that he was in Chicago and not face to face, I would have been drooling this entire interview. Luckily he was some thousands of miles away so we were able to discuss Sundowner, touring, Jenny Choi and the overwhelming Lawrence Arms breakup rumors.

Along with all that fun jibba jabba we have some music from Sundowner and some other odds and ends. Though we continue our two week draught with no give-a-ways (sorry Toby is moving and he’s a tool…seriously), but this interview should be able to stand alone for you cheap bastards. Enjoy, and always remember to hit us up at, on MySpace or on the comments section. Enjoy and remember it’s true, this man has no dick.

Interview with Against Me! – Podcast 57

Posted by rich on May 1, 2007

It’s been another week (give or take) so we decided to bring you more awesome shit. From who? From the Bobby and Whitney of the punk rock world, Against Me!! Listen as Tom Gabel gives us the exclusive on all that shit you really don’t care about but need to hear. It’s Fan-God Damn-Tastic!

Since Against Me! has become greedy hookers (who literally have a tour bus powered on the blood of babies) we don’t have any addition give-a-ways but we still have the Riverboat Gambler and Fake Problems contest. Check it out and let us know what you think at, our MySpace, our comments section or on the lovely new blog (it’s fucking dope!). We’ll see you guys next week and remember I am the ocean.