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Archive for October, 2006

Interview with Strike Anywhere – Podcast 39

Posted by rich on October 31, 2006

So with a pressing election coming up (that’s for those of you who care enough to stop playing Final Fantasy whateverthehell long enough to notice) we figured it’d be prime time to slap you in the face with some well deserved politics. Not from us, of course, but from Richmond Virginia’s hometown hero’s Strike Anywhere.

We recently sat down with Thomas and talked about everything from Virginian politicians, to how you pay rent. And, let me be the thousandth person to say, Thomas is fucking smart. Not just like, “Oh, I have a PHD and like to look down on people” smart, like “Hey, I actually understand shit and can explain it to you” smart. Add to that an intense set of dreadlocks and you got a recipe for an awesome interview.

As per usual we have a BRAND NEW CONTEST where you can ENTER TO WIN a copy of Strike Anywhere’s latest CD Dead FM as well as other cool band shwag. Be sure to check out the last eight minutes to get the full scoop on entering. And always hit us up at, at MySpace or on the comments section. I’m serious, we actually read at least 30% of all the shit we receive (I’ve already refinanced my house and begun a penis enlarging pill regimen thanks to peoples friendly e-mails).

Interview with Bane – Podcast 38

Posted by rich on October 24, 2006

What is up?! So here’s the recap:
1) We’re back
2) Nariman is now 90% more awesome than your average human
3) Bane is all up on this episode

That’s right the epic hardcore stylings of Bane grace this fine episode and you don’t want to miss it. We hit everything from hardcore fighting to why Bane kicks so much ass. Also we have a new contest to ENTER TO WIN some free gear from Bane. So listen to the last 8 minutes to learn how to enter. And remember to hit us up on, on MySpace or on the comments section.

Also check back next week for more awesome awesomeness.

Interview with The Draft – Podcast 37

Posted by rich on October 3, 2006

So, here it is another week and another blog I’m late in submitting so Sound Guy Nariman can’t post our new episode. Seriously, this shit was edited last week and the only reason it was held up is that I’m a dumb ass. Anyhow, for those of you who aren’t 14 year olds being sexually solicited by members of the GOP we have an exciting new episode this week where we sit down with Chris from The Draft. You know, that band that’s 80% members of Hot Water Music. Oh, you heard? Well did you know that we had an interview with Chris, The Draft’s frontman? Yeah, next time just wait till you get all the details before you make an ass of yourself.

Anyways, not only do we have an interview but we have a chance to ENTER TO WIN a copy of the Draft’s debut CD In a Million Pieces and a t-shirt (the free shirt is a large so if you don’t fit a large it makes an awesome gift). So be sure to listen to the last 8 minutes or so of the show to get details on how to enter. So enjoy the interview, where you can learn if The Draft has an affinity for Oprah’s book of the month club or if they just like little candy sprinkles.