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Interview with Lemuria – Podcast 80

Posted by rich on August 19, 2008

Hey y’all! Sorry for the lag time on updates, there was a wedding and I was out of town and…Whatever, I don’t owe you an excuse. You’re not my real mom anyway.

We have a fun interview with Lemuria this week but it’s not our usual style. As opposed to just letting me destroy the interview, I thought I’d let our good friend and punknews editor, Justin, take the helm of this one. Basically, he’s a bigger Lemuria fan than I am and I wasn’t prepared for the interview. Shit goes off as Jeff of Bomb the Music Industry! shows up and general awesomeness ensues.

No give a ways this week but something in the next two weeks (I promise). Anyhow, enjoy and hit us up at, on Myspace or in the comments and remember, “I am a rooster illusion”.