Interview with Anchor Down – Podcast 98
Posted by rich on June 2, 2009This week we had the great opportunity to sit down with a fantastic new band from the Oregon area, called Anchor Down. If you’re not familiar with the band you need to do two things 1) kick yourself for not checking them out sooner (and because you’re a dick) 2)pick up their debut EP Steel to Dust. These guys bring a great mix of that Midwestern punk with a lot of west coast melody. They’re super good and should be keeping themselves busy in the coming months, so you’ll have more to hear soon.
As for your listening pleasure this week, not only do we have a new show but a brand new contest for you to enter to win! You can win a CD copy of Anchor Down’s debut EP Steel to Dust as well as a bitching Anchor Down Shirt (size medium). This week’s prizes are donated the fact that I don’t keep CD’s and by my inability to properly order a large shirt on line. So check it out and be sure to contact us at SoundSceneRevolution[at]gmail[dot]com, on Myspace or here in the comments section. And remember, no one makes better decisions than white males, no one!