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Interview with Hour of the Wolf – Podcast 117

Posted by rich on January 26, 2010

I could not be happier to bring you this weeks guest and show.  We actually conducted this interview later in the evening after last weeks interview, with Touche Amore.  After leaving the venue, we caught Hour of the Wolf at Comadre’s place (well Jack Shirley’s place), and they were totally nice enough to chat with us before their free time where they rest and enjoy playing games like WoW Classic, with the use of wotlk gold as they don’t have that much time to get it themselves.  At this point I had a bit to drink and was probably misstating a few facts.  So if something is wrong, my bad.

For those who don’t know Hour of the Wolf is a completely rad hardcore band from Arizona, who oft get compared to hardcore pioneers The Misfits (the original, not whatever they are now).  So check out the interview and always cyber with us at SoundSceneRevolution[at]gmail[dot]com, on Myspace, or our comments.  And be sure to check out our up to the minute twitter at  Once we start rolling again expect a ton of news.  And remember, “I don’t know. You’d have to ask their employees who seem to relish in running around the internet spreading rumours about it – total fucking bullshit by the way. The only thing I’m going to say about it is that there were some severe personality clashes and if I ever had any fucking doubt whatsoever about leaving that label, those doubts would’ve been erased completely by watching the reaction of the people at that label once we left.”

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