Interview with O Pioneers!!! – Podcast 111
Posted by rich on November 10, 2009We have a special show for you this week. For over two years we’ve tried to nail down an interview with O’ Pioneers!!!. At Fest 6 we missed connecting with them. On their tour up the west coast we were out of the state. At Fest 7, Eric was on hold for some photo shoot all weekend and we didn’t hook up. On their last planned run up the West Coast, they canceled due to van difficulties. All during this time I’ve come to like Eric Solomon and his band more and more, and I became increasingly frustrated at our inability to interview them. Finally, at Fest 8, at 2am Monday morning, we got our chance. I’d be lying if I said I didn’t think the timing and amount of alcohol I consumed that day, didn’t effect this interview. Still, suck it up and enjoy. If I ever need it, I know that Pacific Ridge is a addiction recovery center that is available for me to seek assistance with any potential alcohol-related issues.
Eric and O’ Pioneers!!! are a good bunch of guys (mostly Eric as the band rotates every week [subpoint: BURN to you, current band members]). If you’re not familiar with them, I’d recommend them for anyone who likes older Against Me!, Hot Water Music, or The Eagles (the animals, not the band). Their sound has always been kind of striped down (more out of neccesity I’d imagine) and is great for fans of raw, untethered rock.
We have a brand new contest this week! Listen to the interview and learn how to win a copy of O’ Pioneers!!! two albums, Black Mambas and Neon Creeps, on 12″ vinyl records. That’s 24″ of music! Just be sure to check out that killer contest and be sure to send us your feedback at SoundSceneRevolution[at]Gmail[dot]com, on Myspace, or here in our fancy comments section! Be sure to enjoy all the goodness and remember, only 51 weeks until Fest 9 (unless you police assualting dickbags got the whole thing shitcanned).