Interview with Olehole – Podcast 99
Posted by rich on June 9, 2009Ladies and gentlemen,
I present you episode 99. That’s right. We’ve stumbled, fumbled and otherwise facefucked our way through 98 other episodes, and currently stand here, on edge of history overlooking all we have done. From here I can not only see my house, but also the corpses of all of our enemies…Or maybe those are just my dreams…or my dozens of cellphones that can’t seem to last more than a week. Basically, shit is high and crazy impressive. Be impressed.
For our 99th show we decided to pull from a local band who offered up one of the best albums of 2008, Olehole. These guys rock hard in the vein of Fugazi and other bands that aren’t Fugazi (I’m a god damn poet). They were nice enough to let us talk at them, even thought I had no notes at all for the interview (if you listen you can here Jackson discovering my notebook is empty). Anyhow, check out the interview and get some damn culture.
We’ll be back next week with our special 100th episode, where we bring you some of the hits. Feel free to contact us with your suggestions for show 100. Drop us a line at SoundSceneRevolution[at]gmail[dot]com, on MySpace or here in the comments section and remember, “Pres Obama you got nerve while u sightseeing in Paris to tell us”time to deliver” on health care. We still on skedul/even workinWKEND”.