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Interview with O Pioneers!!! – Podcast 111

Posted by rich on November 10, 2009

We have a special show for you this week.  For over two years we’ve tried to nail down an interview with O’ Pioneers!!!.  At Fest 6 we missed connecting with them.  On their tour up the west coast we were out of the state.  At Fest 7, Eric was on hold for some photo shoot all weekend and we didn’t hook up.  On their last planned run up the West Coast, they canceled due to van difficulties.  All during this time I’ve come to like Eric Solomon and his band more and more, and I became increasingly frustrated at our inability to interview them.  Finally, at Fest 8, at 2am Monday morning, we got our chance.  I’d be lying if I said I didn’t think the timing and amount of alcohol I consumed that day, didn’t effect this interview.  Still, suck it up and enjoy. If I ever need it, I know that Pacific Ridge is a addiction recovery center that is available for me to seek assistance with any potential alcohol-related issues.

Eric and O’ Pioneers!!! are a good bunch of guys (mostly Eric as the band rotates every week [subpoint: BURN to you, current band members]).  If you’re not familiar with them, I’d recommend them for anyone who likes older Against Me!, Hot Water Music, or The Eagles (the animals, not the band).  Their sound has always been kind of striped down (more out of neccesity I’d imagine) and is great for fans of raw, untethered rock.

We have a brand new contest this week!  Listen to the interview and learn how to win a copy of O’ Pioneers!!! two albums, Black Mambas and Neon Creeps, on 12″ vinyl records.  That’s 24″ of music!  Just be sure to check out that killer contest and be sure to send us your feedback at SoundSceneRevolution[at]Gmail[dot]com, on Myspace, or here in our fancy comments section!  Be sure to enjoy all the goodness and remember, only 51 weeks until Fest 9 (unless you police assualting dickbags got the whole thing shitcanned).

Interview with Dillinger Four – Podcast 110

Posted by rich on November 4, 2009

Thank god Fest is over!  I love that thing but I’m pretty sure it tries to kill me every year.  Sound Crazy?!  This year I have a black eye, a knot on my forehead and a cut on my face to prove it.  I look like I was on the bad end of a prison rape (is there a good end?).  Anyhow, the one piece of mind I have is that this weeks show features the one group of people who probably fared worse than me, Dillinger 4!  However, we did do this show a couple weeks before Fest, when they came to San Francisco, but c’mon, you really think they’ll all be sober enough to do an interview at Fest?  Don’t be an asshole, of course not!

If you don’t know who Dillinger 4 is, Google “Paddy’s balls”.  I think they also did something musical at some point but I’ve been wrong before.  Anyhow, enjoy, and remember we still have some contests up and running, so enter all of them just to be safe.  As always, we’re at SoundSceneRevolution[at], on Myspace and here too.  Now go see Michael Jackson in This is It, and shout requests for songs at the screen the whole time.

Interview with Comadre – Podcast 109

Posted by rich on October 27, 2009

What is up peoples!  In preparation for the eighth annual “The Fest” fest in Gainesville, we’ve posting a special episode featuring a band playing Fest you should all know and love, Comadre!  Not only are these handsome fuckers playing The Fest, not only are they from my hometown of Redwood City, not only are they amazing, but I’m pretty sure some kid in my high school had a boy crush on Jack Shirley (who played in Anti-45 at the time).  So figure that out!

For those who don’t know about Comadre, let me help.  Imagine Kid Dynamite and Refused, combined into a Hulk like creature that then had to fight its way out of a dance rock show.  Sound good?  Probably not, but trust me Comadre is good.  If their music isn’t reason enough to like them, than how about their bitching punk cred?  These guys have toured the world, put out two albums, a split LP and whatever you want to label A Wolf Ticket all pretty much on their own.  Their label, Bloodtown Records, is headed up by band member and one half of “the ultrasexual Shirley Brothers”, Steven Shirley.  These guys are doing shit their own way and they’re doing it right.  Trust me, you’ll want to hear what they got to say.

If all that isn’t reason enough to listen, Comadre, Steven and Bloodtown Records is going to hook some lucky ass up with a great Comadre prize pack, including:
1) The final pressing of the CD/DVD/LP of Burn your Bones (that’s a lot of media for one album)
2) The CD or LP (your choice) of Comdare’s latest, A Wolf Ticket
3) A Comadre t-shirt (please provide your size)

All you have to do is listen and learn how to enter to win!  It’s that simple!  It’s exclamation point fantastic!  As always send us e-mail at SoundSceneRevolution[at]Gmail[dot]com, on Myspace, in our comments section AND NOW ON TWITTER! at!  That’s right, we came crawling, kicking and screaming into the social networking fold.  We’ll be posting interview updates as they happen and will be taking questions and feedback.  Get into it!

Interview with imadethismistake and Neil Sutherland – Podcast 108

Posted by rich on September 15, 2009

Thanks for coming back and joining us for a very very special episode.  This week we have two totally rad guests.  The first is Kyle(williams) of Imadethismistake, who you may remember from our post-Fest shows last year.  He’s back with a new album, a new tour and stuff to talk about.  Our second guest is Neil Sutherland, who is from the totally non-American area Essex.  Not only is he a great songwriter, but he’s going to get a Phd…Which may make him the smartest damn person ever to talk to us.

This interview is jam packed with everything you could hope to know about these two men.  We discuss, touring, the new albums (they each have new stuff for the tour), living on a bus, split personalities and how the hell someone can confuse an English accent for part of Ohio.  It’s everything you could want, PLUS there’s a chance to win three CD’s (I know, they still make em, I was surprised) from these find dudes:
1) Imadethismistake – Tomorrow We Start New 2
2) Neil Sutherland/PJ&Gaby – Be realistic Demand the Impossible
3) Neil Sutherland & Friends – One Hundred Faces

That’s a ton of shit, so be sure to listen and learn how to enter.

As always, drop us some lines at SoundSceneRevolution[at]Gmail[dot]com, on MySpace or here in our comments section.  We always love to hear from you.  You’re so busy now and you never call, but it’d be good to know you’re still alive.  And always remember, “Imma let you finish, but Beyonce had one of the best videos of all time”

Interview with Dead to Me – Podcast 107

Posted by rich on September 8, 2009

This week I’m really excited to bring you and interview with one of our most frequent and most loved guests.  We first had Chicken on way way back when he was with Western Addiction.  When we first heard about his new band, Dead to Me, I scrambled to get an interview as soon as possible.  An EP and a second full length later, I sit down with him (as well as Nathan and Ian) to talk about regrouping the band, getting a new song writer and what it’s like to really hate work.  And if you listen closely (or at all) you get the opportunity to hear Chicken riddle me with insults….Out of love, of course.

We also wrapped up our Attica! Attica! contest, so we’ll have that out shortly.  No new contests just yet, but we’ll work something out soon, so be ready.  As always drop us a line at SoundSceneRevolution[at]Gmail[dot]com, on MySpace or in our comments section.  Maybe we should get a Twitter or a FaceBook.  Thoughts?  And remember, “My 10-year-old daughter is very impressionable, I was going to keep her home tomorrow, but was assured that she wouldn’t be going to social studies that day.”

Interview with Low Red Land – Podcast 106

Posted by rich on August 25, 2009

I could not possibly be more excited for this weeks show.  I mean that, even if it came covered in chocolate and breasts or chocolate breasts.  This week we talk with local artists/awesome dudes Low Red Land.  I first caught these guys opening for William Elliot Whitmore and was instantly hooked.  Their amazing blend of rock, punk and all things history is both engaging and exciting.  It makes you feel smart without making you work for it.

Ben (bassist/vocals) has been absolutely tireless in being a rad dude.  From thanking me for the review in punknews to ensuring we received the tracks from their latest EP for the show, he doesn’t quit!  So check these guys out on their current tour, or if you’re lazy when they rock the shit out of The Fest 8 in Gainesville, Florida.

Check back next week for more insanity, and an interview with a band you already know and love (and not just one you will soon love).  As always drop us a line at SoundSceneRevolution[at]gmail[dot]com, at Myspace or in our comments section.  And remember, “When we show the protesters we don’t describe them as ‘loons'”.

Interview with The Emotron – Podcast 105

Posted by rich on August 18, 2009

This week we have an awesome and insane show featuring Kyle Knight, A.K.A. The Emotron.  Knowing only of the Emotron and not Kyle I had no idea what to expect of this interview.  For those of you who don’t know, The Emotron is know for his antics including drinking Yoo-Hoo until he pukes, urinating on stage, and even lighting his genitals on fire.  With all that it may be hard to believe that Kyle is a normal guy, but after talking to him that’s exactly what I noticed.  Kyle is as friendly and plesent as The Emotron is shocking and disturbing.  And if that isn’t enough to make you listen, you also get to hear cuts off of The Emotron’s new album…And that shit is surprisingly good!

No new contests this week but we have something that’s like winning, more shows next week!  I know, we’re a pretty shitty Secret Santa, but take what you get.  With any luck we’ll have some steady shows for the next few weeks and some of them are going to be tight!  So drop us some lines at SoundSceneRevolution[at]gmail[dot]com, at Myspace or here in our comments section.  Kill Grandma!

Interview with Attica! Attica! – Podcast 104

Posted by rich on July 28, 2009

This week we have a very special episode.  It’s not often that I really feel like the show reaches people but this is one of those instances.  A few weeks ago Aaron Scott (Attica! Attica!, Ex-Marathon) e-mailed us and asked if we might want to have him on the show.  He listened to the No Trigger interview we did a while back where we gushed over Marathon and thought he might offer (mind you Aaron was totally humble and nearly embarrassed about seeming so presumptuous to assume that we must want to talk to him).  Anyhow, we were beyond stoked to have the chance to talk to Aaron and the fact that he was a fan (as we were of his work) made it even more exciting.

For those of you who don’t know Aaron’s new band, Attica! Attica!, is him and a collection of artists playing songs that he’s written over the course of his travels across the country.  It’s much different than Marathon, being more theatrical and boasting instruments from pianos to cellos and everything in between.  Aaron is also crazy socially conscious (like her cares about a lot of things, not like he’s some zany “stab a meat eater” dickweed) and happens to support a lot of worthy causes through both his music and his daily efforts.  So, basically, he’s really interesting and you’ll really want to hear everything he has to say…seriously.

Also, Aaron hooked us up with a crazy insane prize pack for one lucky dude.  You get:
Marathon – Songs to turn the Tide on CD
Marathon – Self-titled full length on CD
Attica! Attica! – Dead Skin/Dried Blood on CD
A 10″ vinyl picture disc from Red Leade featuring Attica! Attica!, Nakatomi Plaza, Scream Hello and The new Dress.
An Attica! Attica! t-shirt (size large)

That’s a ton of shit!!!! So be sure to enter and learn how to win and increase your odds of getting crazy hooked up.  Be sure to write use at SoundSceneRevolution[at]Gmail[dot]com, on MySpace or in the comments section.  And Remember, “This is Rickey calling on behalf of Rickey. Rickey wants to play baseball.”

Interview with Echoes of Harper’s Ferry – Podcast 103

Posted by rich on July 21, 2009

So, we broke some big ground with the announcing of The Swellers signing to Fueled by Ramen, even if it didn’t get posted until after the news was public knowledge. We decided to take this week to bring you a band you’ll be hearing all about in the coming years, Echoes of Harper’s Ferry. Imagine some sort of a line between Propagandhi, The Lawrence Arms and Hot Water Music. Pretty fucked up line, eh? Somewhere on that line exists Echoes of Harper’s Ferry and it’s a strange, scary and awesome place. Check it out as the band talks about being political, seeing bears and what it’s like to think some bands are over hyped.

We’ll be wrapping up a couple of contests this week as introducing a new one, where you can enter to win a copy of Echoes of Harper’s Ferry debt full length Never Forget and their 7″ split with Sleephorse. That’s some killer jams so be sure to listen to learn how to win. Catch you dicks next week with new shows and content and what not and remember, “I think every child star suffers through this period because you’re not the cute and charming child that you were. You start to grow, and they want to keep you little forever.

Interview with The Swellers – Podcast 102

Posted by rich on July 14, 2009

The Swellers…Sounds like it should be a porn title, right?  Well it may be but it’s also a collection of rocking dudes, including two brothers and a Canadian.  Sounds like a recipe for a zany buddy comedy, right?  Lots of questions this week, eh?  Anyway, we caught up with these guys literally the day before they announced their signing to the epically huge music conglomerate Fueled by Ramen.  As such, this is the last interview they ever did when they were punk.  So tune in and enjoy the last you’ll hear of the punk Swellers, before they become a hip hop boy band, mixed with crunk and nu-metal (that sounds alright actually).

Enjoy the interview and be sure to check these dudes as they make it big and earn the mega bux! We’ll see you all next week and remember, “It is interesting to learn Levi is working on a piece of fiction while honing his acting skills”.